
Try inFlight Premium for Free

Coming Soon:

  • Discontinuation of Legacy client.

Change Log:

  • Fenix A320 – Adjustments Made for Compatibility with inFlight
    • Due to the unique throttle programming in the Fenix A320, we have made specific adjustments to the settings to ensure full compatibility and seamless functionality with inFlight.
  • Minor Bug fixes.
  • Added Metar Button to Flight Status screen to quickly get Metar info for Departure and Destination airports.
  • Updated whether reports to include Metar reports for live weather flights.
  • When changing Cruise Altitude via the “Flight Details” window, altitude is now saved after exiting the window. This fixed the issue of inaccurately triggered “DESCENT” while attempting to update the cruising altitude.
  • Added Flight Attendant boarding greetings to “STANDARD” version.
  • Added AI Speech Service 1 voice to co-pilot. 
  • Improved volume controls for passengers, flight attendants and pilots.
  • Revamped Passenger sounds for smoother transitions with varied sounds based on phase of flight.
  • Added personalized pilot and co-pilot introductions at beginning of flight to both “STANDARD” AND “PREMIUM”.
  • Added begin boarding announcement to captain from flight attendant.
  • Improved error reporting to assist in identifying issues faster.
  • Flaps settings callouts are now announced even on the ground if the pilot or copilot is not currently talking.
  • Adjusted numerous triggers for less reliance on time based triggers and instead favors action based triggers.
  • Added FlyByWire A320N Flap Configuration.
  • Added Simulation rate color indication to Flight Status. Grey = < 1; Yellow = 2; Red > 3; No color = 1 (Normal Sim Rate);
  • Fixed crashing issue when deploying flaps full on FlyByWire A320.
  • Improved flight phase triggers for VATSIM and non-in-game ATC users.
  • Designed for PMDG & FlyByWire aircrafts, but works with most commercial aircrafts.
  • Added Pilot & Co-Pilot flight interactions in accordance with National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Safety Best Practices Manual (See here).
  • Improved flight phase triggers by using in game Air Traffic Control (ATC) triggers.
  • Added multiple in-flight meal service based on the length of the flight. 
  • Added Flaps callout while in the air. (MUST FIRST SET FLAP SETTINGS IN OPTIONS)
  • “Gear Up” callout fix.
  • Added volume Boost for Flight Attendant & Pilots with individual  volume controls for each. (See Options)
  • Fixed in-game pausing and restarting of sounds.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements associated with v1.0.0.14.
  • (Premium) Experimental Features:
    • AI Speech Service 2 Fixed – Due to the cost of OpenAI voices, we are unable to offer these voices included in the paid subscription while still keeping the cost of the inFlight subscription reasonable. Therefore separately paying for these OpenAI voices are relatively cheap on an individual basis depending on how much you fly. Hence why this feature is Experimental. If users find it useful, it will stay.
  • Bug Fixes and Improvements:
    • (Premium) Improved AI to reduce use of slang.
    • General tweak and fixes.
  • Coming soon:
    • The next super exciting Evaluation Module. Be rated on your flying like never before. Tell someone…seriously stop what you are doing and share this great news.
  • (Premium) New Experimental Features:
    • OpenAI voices – The most realistic voices available (OpenAI API Key required).
    • 3rd Party Voices – Some languages are improved by these voices.
  • (Standard) Ability to disable Flight Attendant Distortion:
    • Toggle distortion on/off.
  • Bug Fixes and Improvements:
    • (Premium) Improved weather reports from the Captain. Better accuracy and detail.
    • (Premium) AI speech script improvements and tweaks.
    • General tweaks and fixes.
  • (Premium) New Experimental Features:
    • OpenAI voices – The most realistic voices available (OpenAI API Key required).
    • 3rd Party Voices – Some languages are improved by these voices.
  • (Standard) Ability to disable Flight Attendant Distortion:
    • Toggle distortion on/off.
  • Bug Fixes and Improvements:
    • (Premium) Improved weather reports from the Captain. Better accuracy and detail.
    • (Premium) AI speech script improvements and tweaks.
    • General tweaks and fixes.
  • Added: Passenger Greetings.
  • New Announcement Options:
    • (Premium) Set the tone/style of announcements (Professional, Humorus, etc).
    • Turn off announcements you don’t want.
    • Set timers to trigger boarding and taxi late announcements.
    • (Premium) Disable Flight Attendant distortion (Coming soon to Standard).
  • (Premium) New Airline and Flight Number Check:
    • Airline and Flight number detection checker (If either Airline or Flight number is not detected, the Flight Details screen will open to allow you to manually fill in. For automatic detection make sure fill in “Callsign” and “Flight Number” from the selected plane’s customization screen.)
  • Bug Fixes and Improvements:
    • Improved late taxi announcement trigger. (Only triggered if timer expired and plane is not taxiing/moving (e.g. stopped waiting for your turn to takeoff for extended period.))
    • Stuck on “Ready for Take off” should be fixed. (If still encountering this issue, please submit a ticket with the airport and runway which you took off from.)
    • “Failure to connect to simulator” should be working. See troubleshooting section below for tips.
    • Added new flight phase “Preparing for boarding” which helps better sync boarding timer to announcements.
  • Added: Login ability for new payment system.
  • Bug Fixes: Made minor bug fixes and enhancements.
  • Added: Ability to hide window during flight. Right-click on inFlight system tray icon, and select “Show/Hide”.
  • Tweaked: Adjusted notifications to convey a more professional demeanor compared to casual dialogue.

  • Bug Fixes: Made minor bug fixes and enhancements.

  • Added indication of Premium/Standard plan.
  • Added log in enhancements.
  • Fixed: “Flight Attendant Accent cause language change instead” (v1.0.04 – Known Issues)
  • Fixed: “Changing Pilot Accent causes no sounds to play” (v1.0.0.4 – Known Issues) 
  • Tweaked: Modified “Landing” phase to be triggered upon landing gear being lowered.
  • Tweaked: Modified “Above 10,000 Feet” message to include a movie based on selected Accent.


  • Added Change Log / Known Issues button to system tray right click options.
  • Added About button to system tray right click options.
  • Updated to include option to try inFlight Console Beta.

Known Issues:

  1. “Gear up” callout occurring while still on runway during take off. (Fixed v.1.1.0)
  1. Experimental Features: AI Speech Service 2 not working. (Fixed v.
  1. Weather reports from the Captain lacks accuracy and sufficient detail. (Fixed v.
  1. Flight phases stuck on “Ready for Take off” at various airports. (MSFS 2020 issue where some runways are not identified as runways.) – Fixed in v1.0.0.10
  2. Airline & Flight No. not reflected in announcements. – Fixed in v1.0.0.10
  3. Failure to connect to simulator. – Fixed in v1.0.0.10

1. Problem (Fixed v1.0.0.5):

Changing Flight Attendant Accent cause language change instead.

2. Problem (Fixed v1.0.0.5):

Changing Pilot Accent causes no sounds to play.


Please attempt to close the inFlight client and restart it. Press ‘Ctrl-Alt-Del’ to access the task manager, and verify that the inFlight client is not running in the background processes list. If it’s listed there, select the inFlight task and choose ‘End task.’ Afterwards, relaunch the inFlight client. It should seamlessly detect whether it starts before the simulator or if MSFS 2020 is already running.

inFlight pulls the Airline and Flight Number from the Airplane Selection dialogs prior to a flight. Make sure to set your preferred Airline and Flight Number. 

Yes, even if you do not use MSFS flight setup screen to select a destination airport and cruising altitude, you can still set these via the “Flight Details” button on the inFlight Status screen.

If Experimental Feature 2 does not work even after acquiring an OpenAI key, you must connect a payment method. Due to the cost of OpenAI voices, we are unable to offer these voices included in the paid subscription while still keeping the cost of the inFlight subscription reasonable. Therefore separately paying for these OpenAI voices are relatively cheap on an individual basis depending on how much you fly.