
Try inFlight Premium for Free

Join the inFlight Addon Affiliate Program and start earning today!

Earn up to $5 per sale—with no limits on your earnings!

Earn up to $5 per sale.

Low payout minimum.

No cost to join.

How the inFlight Affiliate Program Works

By joining our affiliate program, you can easily refer customers to inFlight Addon, and earn a commission on each successful sale. We handle the tracking and payouts, so you can focus on sharing something great.

Refer Customers

Share your unique affiliate link on your website, blog, or social media.

Get Paid

For every successful sale made through your link, you’ll earn up to $5 cash.

Track Your Earnings

We track all your clicks and sales, making it easy to see how much you’re earning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why promote inFlight Addon?

Affiliate partnerships are a fantastic way to earn passive income online. With no limits to how much you can make, the more you share, the more you earn. It’s that simple!

All you have to do is recommend us using your affiliate link on your website, blog, and social media. We track your clicks and transactions so you can get paid.

Each successful sale earns you up to $5. There’s no cap on your earnings, meaning the more you promote, the more you can make.

To keep things secure, we require a minimum balance of $10 before processing payouts. This helps prevent fraud and ensures you get paid safely and securely.

We pay out on a NET30 basis, meaning commissions from January will be paid out by March 15th. This gives us time to account for any refunds or chargebacks.

How to Sign Up for the inFlight Addon Affiliate Program

Ready to join? Follow these 3 easy steps to start earning today!

Sign Up

Click the “Become an Affiliate” button below to start the sign up process.

Create an Account

Create an account on our affiliate hub hosted by Lemon Squeezy payment processer.

Start Earning

Join our affiliate program and share your link to earn cash for every successful sale.